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Emma Connors > Staff

Our Staff

Emma Connors

Emma Connors

C3 Students Coordinator & Social Media Intern

Why is C3 special to you?

1. One of the main reasons C3 is special to me is the community. I always know I am surrounded by people who love me and care for me! It’s refreshing to be with so many people who love God and love me!

2. Name at least two things you do well.

Organizing & putting together fun outfits!

3. Name at least two things you don’t do well.

Confrontation & cooking

4. Tell us about one of the most fun things you’ve ever done.

Went to a 5 day conference in Indianapolis with two of my best friends!

5. If you had two hours of absolute free time, what would you do?

Curl up under a fluffy blanket and take a long nap

6. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

Brought me my favorite snacks when I was really sick

Tell us your favorites:
Color: Baby Blue
Snack: Cinnamon Chex
Restaurant: Later Gator
Place to Shop: Target
Drink (coffee, soda, etc.): Sweet Tea 
Candy: Smarties 


Doubt is natural… Believers need to wrestle with the same questions that skeptics ask. Many believers "inherited" their faith and may have never asked these questions. Both doubters and believers have a moral and intellectual responsibility to examine their doubts and beliefs. C3 is a place that encourages this to happen. Learn more